This is where it's AT for all of your Garfield needs. The NUMBER ONE SPOT for ALL Garfield The Cat content and INFORMATION. Just step right in and SUCK UP all of that Garfield-y goodness. Just FIX your soul with all of his ORANGE, FURRY GOLD! Lap that STUFF right up. PLENTY of informative information to be found right HERE, for your eyes only (and the eyes of all other GARFIELD LOVERS!), come and see all of the USEFUL and EDUCATIONAL information about our FAVORITE fat cat! STEP RIGHT UP and come and see, stare in awe at the WONDER which is Garfield (the cat) and his GLORY! The MAGIC and CHARM of this reddish-yellow feline, with his sarcastic glances and WITTY QUIPS. You'll be completely ADDICTED from the very first moment you experience this tiny tiger! Simply soak in his magnificence, BASK in his glorious rays of sunshine. Appreciate him for who he is, a BEAUTIFUL creature full of GRACE and MIGHT. BUt you better shield your EYES from the PURE SEXUAL ENERGY that exudes from him like a thick grease. It shines, dribbles and sends all who look at its wonder insane with LUST! So while the great and mighty Garfiled the (cat) is wonderful, he is also DANGEROUS in his own SEXY way. Keep a look out! Watch out!
NOW MAKE SURE that you keep an eye out for any juicy GARFIELD CONTENT that may be coming your way REAL SOON...
Anyway.. FOR NOW.. cliky here.... he he he