This area is as work in progress as it can get, mind you.
Some stuff might work without javascript, idk. Personal advice is to only whitelist bandcamp stuff.
Seems like I'm taking the site in that direction so here are some aesthetic pages you can stare at:
Directory listing / └ nothosma ├ fonts/ │ ├ Inconsolata-Regular.ttf │ └ NovaMono.ttf ├ keys/ │ ├ index.html │ ├ jquery-3.1.0.min.js │ └ Tone.min.js ├ sakura/ │ ├ index.html │ ├ leaves.gif │ ├ sakura.png │ └ style.css ├ bg.gif ├ global.css ├ index.html ├ seal.png └ style.css